One Stone and the Power of God’s Name

Mavelyn Gray
Mave Thoughts
Published in
2 min readJan 21, 2016

It doesn’t matter that David is merely a boy and Goliath has been training as a warrior basically since he came out of the womb. It doesn’t matter that Goliath is nearly twice David’s size. To David, those things do not matter. David knows his God and the power of God’s name. He knows that God will keep him safe. “The Lord, who delivered me from the claws of the lion and the bear, will also keep me safe from the clutches of this Philistine,” he confidently proclaims.

What gave David that great courage and confidence? Well, David knew the Lord, and he also knew the work of Lord within his life. Just as God had delivered him before, David knew He would keep him safe again.

What about you? Have you claimed the story of your own life so securely that you walk with confidence that just as God delivered you from past experiences of sin or danger, that He will rescue you again in whatever you may be facing now or in the future?

Five stones. David only took five stones from the stream. I’m reminded of the five loaves that fed the thousands. A small amount that can do so much. And it only took one. One stone and the power of God’s name. We don’t have to have very much. We can take the little we have with courage and faith in the Lord, and God will conquer overwhelmingly.

The Lord is our Rock, the Psalm reads. He will fight for us.

Maybe today you feel incapable, incompetent. Maybe you feel that you always have to keep the facade of perfection and have it all together. Jesus says TO YOU today: “Stretch out your hand!” It is He who trains your hands for battle and gives you strength even if you feel like your own hands are crippled, or even if they only hold a few stones to protect you from the giants in your life. The Lord is with you. Just as the Lord who delivered you from the claws of sin, suffering and danger in the past, to too TODAY will God keep you safe from whatever “Goliaths” you may be facing in your life.

It’s time to sing a new song to the Lord, ladies. A song of confidence and courage in the Lord!

It’s time to sing a new song to the Lord.

Today we celebrate the feast of Saint Sebastian, the patron of athletes, soldiers and even plague sufferers. Ask his intercession as you think about the ways in which God has rescued you in the past, and ask for courage and confidence in the Lord for whatever difficulties you may currently be facing.

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