Stop Wasting All Your Research

Chris Rumble
Kantata Product Development
3 min readMay 18, 2017

A new add-on for searching and summarizing tagged content across and within all of your Docs in Drive.

Add-on Link: Tag, Search & Summarize

A need for more access

As our cloud based project management tool Mavenlink grows we are talking to more and more customers, collecting more feedback and testing more designs. This makes organizing, grouping feedback and sharing feedback across our offices worldwide increasingly difficult. In an attempt to ease this pain we developed a Google Docs add-on to tag text for searching and grouping feedback across all documents when we need to.

What does that mean? In a single interview we may have multiple points of feedback spanning a wide range of topics or feature sets in Mavenlink. Now we can just tag specific parts of our notes, to later access them for a given topic (such as resource management or time tracking), across all documents from all of our team members. This is especially helpful in the early stages of the design process as well as getting.

Getting Started

Install the Google Doc add-on called Tag, Search & Summarize.

Start Tagging

To add tags to an excerpt in any Doc:

  1. Highlight your text
  2. Right click to make a comment
  3. In the comment box add your tag in square brackets like “[your tag]”

Start Searching

  1. Start the add-on by going to menu item Add-ons > Search & Summarize Snippets > Start
  2. Choose a folder, start typing and a list of available tags will start autocompleting.
  3. Your results tab will then show your highlights, corresponding tags and links to the document they are in.

Create a summary document of all your tags, highlights and document links

  1. Navigate to “Summarize” tab, select a parent and sub folder then click the button.
  2. A summary spreadsheet will be added to the root of the folder you chose.

A Mavenlink “Friday Project”

This all started out of something we call “Friday Projects” at Mavenlink. Most Fridays we have some self directed time to work on something that benefits Mavenlink but may not be on our roadmap. This is a great time for engineers and designers to expand their knowledge in areas of interest, feel some ownership over a project and benefit the company at the same time. This is an aspect of Mavenlink I really enjoy and have seen many successful projects come out of.

You can checkout the add-on page here or access it from the add-on tab in Google Docs. There is also a video to help explain how to get up and running!

Also you can find it on Product Hunt at:

Let me know what you think!

If you enjoyed the article please ❤️ it and I’ll try to write more like it!

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Chris Rumble
Kantata Product Development

A San Francisco Based Graphic/UI Designer, Front-End-ish, Motion Graphics dude and whatever else sounds fun to make.