Day 1: PesaPal UX in Sign Up Form

Use Sign Up Options

Lewis Ngugi
Maverick Challenges
3 min readJan 11, 2017


The Challenge

Brief: Redesign a part of the experience.

Duration: 2 days (Jan 2017).

My role: User Research and Interaction Designer.

Tools: Sketch, Adobe Experience Design.

Design Process: Redesigned an experience.


Desired Outcomes:

  • Redesign an experience in the PesaPal that makes it easier for people to sign up.
  • Deliver wireframes of redesigned experience.


  • Designed wireframes.
  • Deliver a working Prototype.


  • Wanted to create a simple way of people registering.


  • Delivered wireframes.
  • Delivered a working prototype. This prototype needs more iteration on the menu and some of the screens.

Lessons Learned:

  • It doesn’t take too long to redesign a part of an experience, but testing it is important to see if users would appreciate the redesign or if it would be useless.
  • An engineer’s opinion is always useful to know if what you are designing is possible to code.

Case Study

User’s Problem:

It is difficult to manage another set of login details.


Add sign up options via social network account on the App.


I created a persona to have someone in mind when redesigning the flow.


After creating a persona, I decided to create a possible scenario:

  1. Lucy has gotten a school fee payment reminder. She’s heading to a meeting. She remembers she heard of this new payments App called PesaPal.
  2. She goes online to it on her laptop and finds Personal Solutions they are offering. She signs up.
  3. Lucy sends fees to her daughter’s (Colleta) school.

Now VS Redesigned:


Current Sign Up.

New Sign Up.


Signing up in the current PesaPal App.

These are the redesigned designs.

Design Decisions:

Adaptive Placeholders:

Overcome most of the usability issues of float labels while saving space (something that is ideal especially for mobile devices). ~ Katie Sherwin

Sign Up Options:

Why force users to create another set of login details when you can let them login via an external account, such as a Facebook, Google or Twitter? ~ Nick Babich

Next Steps:

  • User testing:
  1. Find out if the sign up option would be useful for people.
  2. Creating a prototype to test it easily.

