Revamp Your LinkedIn Profile

You have a short time to make a good impression when a decision-maker is looking at your LinkedIn profile.

Lewis Ngugi
Maverick Challenges
4 min readDec 31, 2016


source: Business 2 Community

Eye-tracking technology used by TheLadders revealed that recruiters spend an average of 19 percent of their time on your LinkedIn profile simply viewing your picture. The research also revealed that just like resumes, weak organization, and scannability within a LinkedIn profile negatively impacted the recruiter’s ability to “process the profile”.

Here’s how to build a Killer LinkedIn Profile.

+1: The Photo

Don Norman LinkedIn

A picture is worth a thousand words

It is especially true for your profile picture. Make sure it is a professional photo and not a picture of you at the beach.

+2: Profile to 100%

Lewis Ngugi LinkedIn

A complete LinkedIn profile (scoring 100%, or becoming an “all-star”) is 40 times more likely to receive opportunities through LinkedIn because completed profile ranks higher in the internal algorithm when displaying search results. You need to have over 50 connections to have an All-Star profile.

+3: Strong job title

Luke Wroblewski LinkedIn

Creating your own “Headline”/ Job Title — which appears in search results beneath your name and photo, you are given the ability to harness the power to craft your personal brand.

4+: Keywords in Skills & Endorsements

Drive keyword density so you show up in searches that include the relevant terms, technologies and tools that you are familiar.

5+: Beef that Summary

This should be in paragraph form — 3 paragraphs or less. The summary tells the story of who you are, to express your value proposition and the brand messaging you have on your resume.

6+: Call-to-action

Here, people are to be prompted to learn more or even reach out, off your LinkedIn profile. Also sharing your code from GitHub by sharing links on your LinkedIn homepage, groups, etc and checking out some of you design samples at

7+: Order your sections

If you have taken some courses and/or done individual projects for yourself, you can curate your profile in a way that draws attention to the best portions.

8+: List your projects

Eugene Kimutai

Put a list of what you and your team built, links to the project and a description of what went down.

9+: Join & Participate in Speciality Groups

Tosh Juma LinkedIn

Join Groups to keep up to date with industry developments, to share useful links with LinkedIn members with similar interests, to participate in discussions and to raise your profile.

10+: List industry certifications

Paul Ray Owino

Show you know the trade by virtue that you reached out to particular vendors, and got acquainted with their platforms.

11+: Hide the “People Also Viewed” box

Tayiana Chao

Usually, LinkedIn displays people who possess similar skills and experience as yourself (and thus would also be of interest to recruiters). Remove this box under your “Privacy & Settings”.

Well the above is how you show it.
Have a Cheerful New Year
Fellow Designers and Developers!

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About The Author

Lewis Ngugi is the User Experience Specialist of Safaricom Alpha. You can connect with him on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.

