How to Simplify and Prioritise

Simplicity and prioritisation are at the core of every get-things-done strategy out there. Let’s take a look at what they mean when applied to goal-setting and productivity.

Joseph Mavericks
The Joseph Mavericks Blog


Note: the strategies I’m presenting here have proven very efficient for me in the past, and keep working consistently as I move forward. However, everyone is different. Most of the advice given in any field of expertise usually needs to be adjusted to each and every one’s personality. Simplicity and prioritisation can be done in a lot of different ways. Here is how they work for me. Take out what you don’t want, apply what you need. What matters is the results.

Simplicity: minimising friction

Simplicity is making things easy. Making things easy is removing friction as much as possible.

Friction is the natural resistance you will experience when trying to put together and/or execute a plan. It’s the thing that makes everything harder. Friction comes in a lot of varieties, it is unavoidable. But it is definitely manageable.

How we create friction in our lives

There are tons of ways we create friction in our lives on a daily basis. Small…



Joseph Mavericks
The Joseph Mavericks Blog

Living with a purpose and improving myself is changing my life — I also make Youtube videos: