My 7 Favourite Stoic Quotes and How They Can Help You Redefine Your Priorities

From the 3 Most Famous Stoic Authors

Joseph Mavericks
The Joseph Mavericks Blog


Stoicism is an Ancient Greek school of philosophy founded in Athens. It is based on personal ethics, a system of logic and seeing the world as it is, not as you want it to be.

The Stoics differentiated between 3 things: good, bad, and indifferent things.

  • The good things include the cardinal virtues wisdom, justice, courage, and self-discipline.
  • The bad things include the opposites of these virtues, the four vices folly, injustice, cowardice, and indulgence.
  • Indifferent things include all the rest and its opposite: wealth and poverty, health and sickness, pleasure and pain, material things…

The most important concept of Stoicism is to draw the line between what is in your control and what is not. There are only so many things you can control in life, and a lot of things you cannot. Learn to live with that reality and to make the most out of it.

The main reason Stoicism has regained in popularity over the past years is because in a world of constant evolution, temptation and conflict, Stoicism helps bringing stability, simplicity, and peace of mind. It only asks you to focus on what you can control, to…



Joseph Mavericks
The Joseph Mavericks Blog

Living with a purpose and improving myself is changing my life — I also make Youtube videos: