Back to school in a pandemic — Do’s and Dont’s

Ahmed Khan
Maverick Youth
Published in
5 min readSep 4, 2020

Mother nature, unlike usual mothers, keeps confounding us with riddles. There have been plagues, earthquakes, and deadly storms, the causes of which we did not know for quite some time. As the human mind looks into certain happenings with enough keenness to unearth its cause, dots are connected and there comes an “Aha Moment” when the cause is eventually discovered. It is at that moment when the riddle thrown at us is solved. Next time we make sure to minimize the loss because of a certain natural calamity. For instance, in regions vulnerable to storms there are shelters within the houses. But as much as we try, our capabilities are somehow limited. Storms can be predicted with sophisticated meteorological calculations, but a pandemic or an earthquake can not be foreseen with accuracy. But in the face of all the adversities, there have been certain things that have stood the test of time such as the fortitude and resilience of human beings. Every time we fall down, we rise up stronger.

With the pandemic at hand, COVID-19 has been a ghastly experience for the entire planet. Since the times of the Spanish flu (1918–1920), there hasn’t been a lethal pandemic around the globe. There are a few natural calamities every now and then and their magnitude is constrained,however, this time we have received a blow so hard that it has shaken us to the core. Economies have collapsed, millions have gone jobless and thousands are bankrupt. According to an American Think tank Pew Research Center, unemployment rose higher in the few months of COVID-19 than it did in two months of The Great Recession. In this chaos, schools and universities were the first to be closed.

A Bitter Memory of the current year would reside in the minds of most students as they leave school and with it the most exciting parts.Their friends, favorite teachers, campus traditions, all of a sudden gone indefinitely and replaced with a screen. The quarantine instructions not only meant staying at home, but also, to maintain a distance from all those whom we used to meet every single day. It was good for some, but others were traumatized from staying in unsafe households. Domestic abuse and violence are prevailing in some societies which have added insult to their injury.

“Morning will come, it has no choice.”― Marty Rubin

After several months of monotonous quarantine, the situation is getting better in several countries as the recovery percentage is on the rise and new cases are on the fall. Such countries have announced that their schools and universities are to be opened in a month or two from now. This has not only ignited a chain of excitement in the students but also in society as a whole people have started to look towards a better tomorrow. However, sticking to precautions is of paramount importance as the battle against COVID-19 is far from over.

As schools and universities open their doors, it’s up to the students to keep the virus cornered.

- Maintaining a safe distance might have seemed challenging at first, but eventually, it became the new normal. No compromise can be made in this precaution, as failure to abide by this would cause havoc. Therefore, the school administration, the students and teachers must ensure that social distancing is maintained in the classes, cafes, and school buses. There may be a gap of a seat or two between you and your buddy, but it is definitely worth it and it will go a long way!

- Handshakes and Hugs, the usual forms of human greetings, have to be substituted by other unusual forms of greetings. Be creative! For it is a time when you can come up with several new ways of greeting (keeping a safe distance) and you never know, it may end up becoming a trend. Give it a thought!

- Maintain a handwashing schedule as it is essential to disinfect the most vulnerable part of our body, our hands. They come into contact with several surfaces, hence making an easy ground for the virus. If soap is not there, use a hand sanitizer having at least 60% alcohol.

- Be empathetic! Be mindful of the people around you as quarantine has been an agonizing period for many. Especially for those families who have lost a loved one to the virus. Many have been victims of domestic abuse or violence during the lockdown period. Therefore, as life returns to its normal pace, such individuals would require assistance to get back on the track. Watch out for such people in your circle. The indicators of an underlying depression or mental trauma may be subtle, but not impossible to perceive. It may be in the way in which certain people respond to certain stimuli or it can be indicated by the poor sleeping schedule of someone.

- Hang in there! ‘Why do we fall sir?” asked Alfred. Bruce Wayne, unable to reply, maintained his silence. Alfred said

“So that we can pick ourselves back up!”

However dismal the circumstances may appear, it will be all behind our backs in a while. Stick to this belief, for there is no weapon as lethal as optimism. So, make sure you do not give in to the redundant thoughts wearing out your mind. It’s natural to be a bit hesitant to change.

The opening of schools would definitely be a joyful day for most. Let’s make the most out of the wonderful day while sticking to precautions. Also, let this pandemic period be a reminder that we shall never take our school time for granted.


· — Kochhar, R. (2020, June 11). Unemployment rose higher in three months of COVID-19 than it did in two years of the Great Recession. Pew Research Center.

- Everything you need to know about washing your hands to protect against coronavirus (COVID-19). (2020). UNICEF Pakistan.



Ahmed Khan
Maverick Youth
Writer for

Read to learn, write for fun…Don’t just walk into light, make a run!