Pride 101

Serena Brandão
Maverick Youth
Published in
3 min readJun 24, 2020

Throughout the whole year the LGBT+ community makes its efforts to increase visibility for the movement and empower the people in it, and the month of June is dedicated to Pride. Since June finally arrived, here is a Pride 101 so you can get to know a little better about the history and celebrations of Pride.

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So, what is pride month?

Pride month is a month dedicated to bringing awareness of the conquers of the LGBTQ+ community and to celebrate the freedom of being who you are. The event usually takes place in June with parades and concerts happening all around the globe.

And why is it celebrated in June?

It all started in the dawn of June 28, 1969. A group of police officers invaded a locally known gay club in the in Greenwich Village in New York City, called the Stonewall Inn. As the police men brutally dragged workers and costumers to the streets, neighborhood members and the bar patrons began fighting causing LGBT people to once again fight against the society they found themselves in.

Wikipedia Commons

The scene in the 60’s (and years precedent to that) was not good for the community, gay rights were far away from being tutored by the governments all around the world and society did nothing to help as well, so LGBT people had to hide or risk their lives in order to be who they were. Therefore, they segregated themselves into gay bars and clubs, but the New York State declared illegal any form of gay behavior in public.

In that scenery, families from the mob saw a way to make profit of the situation by restoring old “straight” bars and restaurants and turning them into gay bars. The Stonewall Inn was owned by the Genovese family that bribed the police to avoid any inconveniences. The bar lacked safe structures and the owners blackmailed costumers that did not want their sexuality to be revealed, but it soon became very popular for its cheap entry fees and “progressives” allowances (such as permission to dance).

Police stormed in the bar in the 28th, which came as a surprise to the owners, and found bootlegged drinks, harassed the costumers and arrested 13 people. Patrons of the bar and part of neighborhood where tired of the violence perpetuated by the officers, and right after the events of the night decided to start a riot outside the bar on Christopher Street.

The protests lasted for six days, during wich the mafia attempted to set fire to the location. The impact of the Stonewall riots were fast and the LGBT+ movement gained political visibility with the foundation of new organizations and newspapers. The year later the first Pride took place on its anniversary and from there on the movement for LGBT+ rights spread all over the world.

As a result of this mark in history, many pride events are held during this month to recognize the impact LGBT people have had in the world.

Who is it for?

Even though Pride was created by our LGBT+ folks, it is a place for everyone that wants to be there! Either as a member or an ally, every person is welcome.

About Pride 2020

Taking in consideration the actual global situation, a few organizations came togheter to organize what will be the Global Pride event. It provides an opportunity for the LGBT+ community to unite to celebrate empowerment and diversity even in this tragic scenery.

It will contain everything a regular Pride has, music, art, joy and activism but in an online platform that will be streaming content for 24 hours, so anyone with a mobile device or a computer with internet connection can access it.

Hope to “see” you there!



Serena Brandão
Maverick Youth

just an optimistic (and sometimes crazy) nihilist writing some stuff.