Life at Mawson as a Machine Learning Engineer

Michelle Dintner
Published in
4 min readJan 7, 2020

At Mawson, we partner with exceptionally talented founders to build AI startups that redefine industries. We are always on the lookout for outstanding technical talent and entrepreneurs, who like us at Mawson, believe building companies is not a job, but a way of life.

If you’re curious about what the journey of a Machine Learning Engineer at Mawson is like, we invite you to step into the shoes of one as you continue to read on…

Day 1.

Congratulations, welcome to the Mawson family, where you’ve joined the team along with several other new Machine Learning Engineers. The fact that you’ve made it this far already is an achievement, as we’ve specifically selected individuals who are exceptional in Math and Programming.

Our journey starts by advancing your Deep Learning skills. You’ll be immersed in ML courseware that has been carefully curated and personally completed by several generations of our ML experts at Mawson. This is self-paced, with the goal for you to be able to implement a complex AI research paper from weeks, to days. This first phase is critical, as we will expect you to keep up with the courseware and your peers. It is technically challenging, but in our supportive learning environment you’re encouraged to ask questions along the way. You are surrounded by the country’s largest community of ML founders who have all built AI systems from the ground up, that you can always get help from.

Day 120.

If there’s a new AI paper that gets us excited, i.e. one that has the potential to radically change industry — you’ll work on implementing it with initial ideas for its use. This marks the conception of your company and its first product idea. By now, you would’ve naturally found yourself working closely with your peers, and some of them you get along really well with. Eventually, these people may become your co-founders.

In parallel, we work with you on ideating on product — the tangible part of your technology that customers use and interact with. We’ll be working closely on product ideation, where our industry insights and international networks are useful to guide you in building a product that people actually need and want.

Day 180.

A great idea is worth nothing but an idea. The next steps are validation and execution. We fly you and your team to the USA to join a world-class startup accelerator program, like TechStars Music Accelerator in Los Angeles. At this point you’ll incorporate your company and Mawson invests pre-seed along with the accelerator. The purpose of the accelerator is to build your own industry connections and for you to validate your idea in-market. Twelve weeks later, you’ll be pitching at Demo Day in the USA to an auditorium full of investors which kicks off your Seed capital raise.

Your adrenaline is pumping, you haven’t had much sleep in the last 2,016 hours but you return home to Mawson, where you’re on-ground running to close your Seed round. At Mawson we are alongside you, guiding you through the process.

By this time you would feel like you’ve been on a rollercoaster. Experiencing a lot of highs, like your first technical breakthrough or acquiring your first customer, but also many challenges along the way. Being a founder is tough. On some days you might question whether you’ve made the right decision or you’ll have to manage tricky situations between humans. It’s something that all founders have experienced at some stage, have worked through, grown and learned from. The great thing is knowing that you’re in a building full of other founders you can seek wisdom and shared experiences from.

Day 270.

Not long after Demo Day, you would’ve successfully closed your seed round with new investors you trust and can seek valuable advice from. These investors have invested in your company because of your bold vision that addresses a global problem in a multi-billion dollar market. Following your capital raise, you’ll continue to build out your team, the technology, forge industry partnerships and ship product over the next 18 months before you go out and raise your next round. All while we help take care of the mundane stuff like accounting, legals and space.

Amongst the hustle of daily business building, you’ll notice the new Machine Learning Engineers that join Mawson, You reminisce about the time that used to be you, starting on your first day. You’ve come a long way and have since banked your own unique experience and knowledge, that you are now willing to impart to the next cohort of founders. be continued.

Where to from here

If we’ve managed to pique your interest and you think you’re up for the journey, we want to hear from you. You’ll have:

  • strong skills in Math and Programming (Python, PyTorch, AWS preferred)
  • willing to be based at Mawson in Brisbane
  • eligibility to work in Australia
  • eligibility to travel to the US
  • be up for living in the US for 12 weeks during the accelerator program.

We don’t discriminate by qualification, condition, age, or gender. What’s important to us is your attitude, your ambition to build a company, and your love of solving complex problems.

We accept applications all year round. Send us an email with your CV to

We can’t wait to hear from you.

Stay in touch with Mawson news and events by following us on Twitter and LinkedIn.

