Izaiah demonstrates one of his favorite martial arts stances while on a Zoom interview. | Photo by Logan Brunner.

Detective Justice: A dream of movies and superheroes

Most students wish they were back in person. Internet school gets boring. For Izaiah, online is just what he needed.

Logan Brunner
Published in
2 min readDec 11, 2020


By Logan Brunner | English Educator

Izaiah is a storyteller, voice impersonator and movie connoisseur. He has dreams that range from being a criminal justice detective, cleaning up the streets that he knows, to running a kids-only movie theatre — no need for adults there.

When reflecting on distance learning, Izaiah said he likes online learning more than most. The majority of students would rather have class in person — they enjoy the social component. But Izaiah feels distance learning allows him to focus on academics far more than when he is in person. When asked if he were excited to share his impersonations when school was back in person again, Izaiah responded with “Little bit, little bit” in an Elvis Presley voice.

Izaiah shared a few of his favorite things. | Graphic by Logan Brunner.

Izaiah has been places in life. He once lived in Massachusetts, visiting family often. He now attends Maxfield Elementary in St. Paul. For Izaiah, the wintry tundra of Christmastime up north fosters dreams of one day living in Santa Fe — a place of “warmth, clean water and no more annoying people.”

“I’d say I’m Brave, adventurous, action-packed, and a big teddy bear.” — Izaiah

Don’t let his teddy bear persona fool you. Izaiah is a fifth-grader who is ready to take on the craziness of middle school. He is ready to tackle the future, maybe even playing football in the fall. With passion like his, dreams of owning a movie theatre for kids might just happen. Izaiah is a dreamer of dreams, an impersonator of greatness, and holds a heart of caring.

