Kytrell, a fifth grader at Maxfield Elementary holds his puppy, Teddy Bear, who he loves to take care of. “I make sure my dog is healthy,” he said. | Submitted by Kytrell

Family, friends and a favorite reptile

Fifth-grade student shares what he is most passionate about.

Gina Miller
Published in
3 min readDec 12, 2020


By Gina Miller | Reporter

An archaeologist studies the remains of an Allosaurus’ bones. According to this excavator, this is a big dinosaur with two horns on its head and a long tail. Yet, in reality this ancient reptile expert is actually a fifth-grade student at Maxfield Elementary playing with his toy dinosaurs.

Kytrell has a passion for these prehistoric animals and hopes to become an archaeologist when he grows up.

Kytrell lives with mom, dad and his older brother. He loves his family because they are “special and they take care of me,” Kytrell said. He added he also likes to take care of them in return, especially his mom, who taught him to take care of his loved ones .

“Hey! Keep your claws to yourself mister!” he said.

Kytrell’s family has a half Havanese half poodle named Teddy Bear.

“He’s still a puppy, but he’s older,” he said. “Like a teenager.”

Kytrell loves to spend time with Teddy outside, going for “special walks” in which they travel to the dog park to play fetch.

Kytrell likes school, too. His favorite subject is recess. He likes to play a game called cops and robbers. The rule is: “If the robber gets caught, they have to join the cop to catch other robbers.” Kytrell also spends recess time on the playground with friends.

“I like to take care of my friends,” he said.

No matter where he is Kytrell is constantly caring for those around him. It is important to him that he takes care of his friends and family because “I love them,” Kytrell said. “I feel happy.” Two words Kytrell’s friends would use to describe him are “caring” and “talkative.”

“I have a big family. And I have a big collection of plushies.” — Kytrell, fifth-grader at Maxfield Elementary.

This year Maxfield Elementary has moved online during COVID-19 threats in St. Paul, and it hasn’t been all bad for Kytrell. In fact, his favorite place in the entire world is home.

“It’s the best,” he said.

Kytrell’s mom laughs as he shows off his musical Christmas hat to his Bethel Buddy during a game of I Spy on a video call. “I spy with my little eye, something that plays Christmas music.” Kytrell said. He put on the fun hat and exclaimed “It’s the best in the land!” | Photo by Gina Miller

This is where he can play with his toys and be with his family. He enjoys the extra time virtual school has given him to spend time with those he cares about so much.

“I have a big family. And I have a big collection of plushies,” Kytrell said. “So many plushies!”

“So many plushieees” he sings.

Kytrell’s family-oriented lifestyle makes the holidays fun. His favorite one to celebrate is Christmas, when he enjoys opening presents, making cookies and sledding.

“I love Christmas,” he said. “Love it.”

Kytrell typically spends Christmas with his big family, including his immediate relatives as well as grandmas, his aunt, his baby cousins, his one big cousin and, of course, Teddy.

Graphic by Gina Miller

Kytrell’s family likes to have fun together all year round. One summer, they visited Wisconsin Dells. They saw lots of pools and even go karts. Kytrell particularly enjoyed swimming and eating cake. He thought it was funny when “some people fell off donuts in the water.”

This energetic, dinosaur-loving fifth-grader loves to laugh and make memories with family and friends.

“He is such a sweetheart,” Maxfield teacher Brooke Gottschalk said. “And he is very, very, very obsessed with dinosaurs.”

