Maxfield Scholar Harold grinned into the camera on December 2 while talking about his favorite WWE Smackdown fighter, “Rey Mysterio.” | Photo by Claire Reese

Harold the hulk

Maxfield Scholar loves going to gym class at school, eating Domino’s and wrestling.

Claire Reese
Published in
4 min readDec 15, 2020


By Claire Reese | Reporter

Harold pulled the camera back up from the counter where it was resting, showing himself in a button-up blue, plaid shirt. After grabbing his breakfast, he explained his favorite thing to do.

“I like playing video games,” he said while walking over to take a seat.

Some of his favorite games to play on PlayStation 4 include DragonBall Z and NBA 2K20. He liked to play with friends and to be by himself.

“White Castle’s fries are all soft and McDonald’s is a bit harder. I like ketchup on both.” — Harold, Maxfield Scholar.

Harold lives with his three siblings and parents in a hotel that has a big window from which to look outside. Harold is the second oldest, with two older sisters named Sarah and Brittaney, and younger brother named Nick. Their favorite thing to do as a family is go out to eat, and Harold explained the big differences between White Castle and McDonald’s french fries.

Following a conversation about Dominos, wrestlers and big houses, Maxfield Scholar Harold gave two thumbs up to the camera before signing off of a Google Meets call on December 2 | Photo by Claire Reese

“White Castle’s fries are all soft and McDonald’s is a bit harder,” he said. “I like ketchup on both.”

Instead of ketchup, Harold’s sister Sarah loves hot sauce on almost everything. Except pizza.

“Sarah likes hot sauce,” Harold said. “Chicken with hot sauce but not on pizza, that doesn’t go good together.”

Both brother Nick and sister Brittaney weighed in on Harold’s call on Google Meet. They shouted their ideas from opposite ends of the room, helping Harold pick the best answer. When Harold flashed the screen around the room, the hotel looked like a big place to live.

“If this was a house we would have lived in a mansion,” Harold said laughing.

If Harold could choose to do anything on a special day, he said he would buy the hotel and another big house, take all the decorations from the hotel and put them inside the new mansion. But he detailed how the decorations still wouldn’t be enough, because the new mansion would have too many doors and rooms.

Graphic by Claire Reese

Harold would bring his family to his new mansion, and they would all live there together. Harold loves his family. In return, his family also makes him feel loved.

“I feel the most loved when my mom comes back home from work,” Harold said.

His favorite place to go to his grandma’s house, but quickly changed his mind.

“I love going to Domino’s,” he said with a goofy grin.

Harold’s favorite food from Domino’s is barbeque chicken, followed closely by chicken nuggets and french fries. To wash it all down, his favorite pop is Cherry Pepsi.

When it comes to TV shows and toys, Harold is very serious about wrestling. While watching Monday Night Brawl and Friday Night Smackdown, Harold loves playing with action figures of the wrestlers. His favorite famous person is WWE’s Rey Mysterio. The masked fighter makes several appearances on Smackdown. In the background of the Google Meets call, Harold’s brother acted out a scene when Rey Mysterio was holding onto an opponent in a headlock while the crowd went crazy.

Harold also has a softer side. His favorite animal:

“A little puppy,” he said. “It don’t bite that much. A big dog bites.”

“Harold is the kindest kid. He has so much empathy for others.” — Elizabeth Earnest, Maxfield Fifth-Grade Teacher.

Harold’s Maxfield teacher, Elizabeth Earnest, sees the soft side of Harold every day. She detailed how she sees Harold excelling in both math and science, noting that he would do well in any math class with how smart he is. Earnest also talked about how kind Harold is to his fellow scholars.

“Harold is the kindest kid,” Earnest said. “He has so much empathy for others.”

Harold loves having Ms. Earnest as a teacher and he was also specific on which part of school he loved the most.

“The thing I like about school is going to gym, to really escape and play cool games,” Harold said.

With Christmas coming up, Harold is excited about Santa coming. His mom is bringing their presents to their grandma’s house, and Harold and his siblings are planning to go to bed early so they won’t see Santa.

“I think he comes at 4 ‘o’ clock in the morning!” Harold said.

On top of presents at Grandma’s, and most likely some french fries, Harold’s birthday is two days after Christmas. Harold is turning 11.

