What one fifth-grader misses most because of quarantine is not being able to go to school, see her friends and teachers, and not solve math problems at her desk. “I’m daydreaming about being back in school,” Camille said. | Photo by Makenzi Johnson

Mickey Mouse, math and ballet

A fifth-grade girl with a big heart and a love for learning shares some of her favorite things.

Makenzi Johnson
Published in
2 min readDec 10, 2020


By Makenzi Johnson | Reporter

Most 12-year-old girls would say they daydream about becoming an actress, a doctor or maybe a princess, but one 12-year-old girl’s dreams are filled with something other than fantasy or the future.

“I’m daydreaming about being back in school,” said Camille, a fifth-grade student at Maxfield Elementary.

School might not be the typical topic to daydream about for most people, but for a girl whose favorite things are math and reading, it’s not strange.

Her favorite characters are Anna from Frozen and Dora the Explorer because they are brave adventurers. Her favorite activity is playing math games. She thinks having breakfast with Mickey Mouse would be fun. She loves crab legs, saying “they’re good dipped in butter.”

Camille, from Chicago, lives with her aunt, cousins, brothers and grandma.

For more than a year, Camille has been ballet dancing with a local company, an activity she adores. She has only practiced ballet, never performed, but she is fine with that because she still gets to dance either way. The studio planned on going to Africa to perform earlier this year, but had to cancel their trip due to the coronavirus.

The love she has for ballet inspired her to join the cheer team at Maxfield six months ago. She likes cheerleading because she can add a bit of hip-hop into it.

“She just loves school…she would be there forever if she could,” — Mrs. Earnest, fifth grade teacher at Maxfield Elementary

At school, Camille works hard. Camille loves to learn, always ready for a new challenge whether that is writing a story or solving math problems.

“She just loves school. … She would be there forever if she could,” said Elizabeth Earnest, Camille’s teacher.

Camille loves to learn about people around her and talk with them.

“I’m nice. I don’t stare at people in public, and I’m not rude,” Camille said.

She has a big heart, cares about her friends and is always there to give kind words. She helps her 8-year-old cousin Samantha with homework. She’s an independent girl, such as the time when her class walked to a nearby Dairy Queen for a treat, she bought her own money to buy a strawberry sundae.

Camille’s favorites:

  • Movie: Frozen
  • TV show: Dora the Explorer
  • Subject: math
  • Color: blue
  • Store: Target
  • Food: tacos

