Phoenix loves lots of stuff, but Fortnite is at the top of the list. His fifth-grade teacher, Elizabeth Earnest, says Phoenix is a curious scholar. “He is brilliant,” teacher Elizabeth Earnest said. “He will create projects and send them my way for the entire class to do. He is curious and asks a million questions.” | Photo by Anika Oss

Phoenix loves Fortnite and Albert Einstein

Anika O
Published in
2 min readDec 11, 2020


A fifth-grade boy’s curiosity leads to hours of playing video games and learning.

By Anika Oss | Reporter

Phoenix reaches for his video game controller and plops on the couch. He turns on the TV, and bright white letters reading “FORTNITE” blast across the screen. He is ready to play another round of video games. Boom boom boom.

Phoenix destroys each of his enemies in Fortnite X Star Wars, his favorite video game of all time.

“I love, love, love Harry Potter,” — Phoenix, fifth grader at Maxfield Elementary

Phoenix, a 10-year-old fifth-grader at Maxfield Elementary, was named after the phoenix bird — an ancient Egyptian mythological creature that symbolizes resurrection. He lives with his mom, his 9-year-old sister and his 3-year-old sister. He loves baking with his mom and enjoys playing games with his sisters, but gets unhappy when they annoy him, scare him or are bad sports.

When Phoenix is not playing video games, he watches Pokemon, Yugioh, Ninjago, or plays board games. One of his favorites is Harry Potter Trivia.

Graphic by Anika Oss.

“I love, love, love Harry Potter,” he says.

Phoenix also loves spending time outside but does not enjoy Minnesota’s climate

“It is always freezing or too hot,” he said.

One day he hopes to visit Ireland because of all the greenery and the climate.

Phoenix’s biggest inspiration and hero is Albert Einstein.

“He was the smartest man ever,” Phoenix said.. “He was the one that made the law of the speed of light, E=mc²,” Phoenix said.

Phoenix doesn’t know what he wants to be when he is older, but 10 years from now, he can see himself buying and living in an RV, parked in his mom’s backyard, and playing video games.

Phoenix is a curious and innovative fifth-grader who loves to learn, his teacher says. He loves reading books, and his favorite is Charlie and the Grandmothers.

“He is brilliant,” teacher Elizabeth Earnest said. “He will create projects and send them my way for the entire class to do. He is curious and asks a million questions.”

