One of Alazar’s favorite video games is Super Smash Bros. He owns a toy that is a character in the video game: Mario. | Photo by James Adams

The many sides of Alazar

From gaming to playing soccer, Maxfield scholar owns a magnetic personality and many interests and passions.

James Adams
Published in
2 min readDec 14, 2020


By James Adams | Reporter

Alazar, a fifth-grade scholar, often searches for a cozy place in his house to kick back, relax and watch a brand new Super Mario Logan gaming video. Alazar loves sharing his passion for video games with some of his favorite YouTubers. He watches these gamers and visualizes what it would be like to have his own YouTube channel, just like them.

“I actually want to be [have] a [YouTube] gaming channel,” Alazar said. “I want my own channel with subscribers competing in game challenges.’’

Alazar recently got a brand new TV in his home. He is super happy to use and add it to his electronic device collection. “You can give me anything that’s electronic,” Alazar said. | Photo by James Adams

Alazar has a deep interest in technology. Some of his favorite devices include his new television, his Nintendo Switch and iPad. When thinking about what he wants for Christmas, the first thing that comes to his mind is the newest digital technology.

“Maybe a PS5,” Alazar said. “You can give me anything electronic.”

“I want to be a rich soccer player and maybe an artist.”–Alazer, fifth-grade gamer.

Alazar is constantly thinking about new things he should try. He has made his love for video games as well as his desire to become a YouTube gamer. Although, when he grows up, he is interested in pursuing other career paths.

“I want to be a rich soccer player and maybe an artist,” Alazar said.

He has also considered the idea of becoming a singer. Whatever he ends up doing when he grows up, his goal is to do something he enjoys that will set him up, financially, for life.

At school, Alazar is an outgoing personality with a sense of authenticity that stands out to those he’s surrounded by on a daily basis, making him enjoyable and exciting to be around, his teacher said.

“Alazar is a very creative storyteller,” fifth-grade teacher Elizabeth Earnest said. “He is hilarious and very honest.”

Alazar loves going on his iPad, using his imagination, and making his imagination come to life through his drawings. After making his art creations, he often shows his classmates and teachers. Being able to share his joy and love for his drawings with the people around him gives him a great sense of fulfillment and pride.

“Sometimes it [drawing] gives me a good feeling,” Alazar said.

Alazar’s favorites

  • Sport: soccer
  • Video games: Fortnite, Roblox, or Super Smash Bros
  • YouTuber: Mr. Beast

