Zion shares about herself on a video call during her class time at Maxfield elementary Wednesday morning. She talks about her love for drawing and how she’s exploring different styles of art. “I like drawing a lot,” Zion said. | Photo by Emily Rossing

Zion learns through drawing

Fifth-grade girl discovers her passions and talents

Emily Rossing
Published in
2 min readDec 9, 2020


By Emily Rossing | Reporter

Zion stares at the blank paper. What will she draw today? She gets inspiration everywhere. Landscapes, things in her house, or whatever imagination can concoct. Zion likes drawing, and she’s good at it.

“Zion’s one of the best leaders in the class,” — Teacher, Elizabeth Earnest

But she’s good at other things too: solving math equations, writing essays and helping other students understand what’s going on in class. Her teacher, Elizabeth Earnest, recognizes the talent Zion has and shares with her classmates.

“Zion’s one of the best leaders in the class,” Earnest said.

She’s also good at balancing the many aspects of her life. Growing up as the second youngest of five siblings, 10-year-old Zion has learned how to be both a sister and a student. She said she gets the most annoyed when her two older brothers talk too much and annoy her. Still, family is the most important thing to her.

“I love my family,” Zion said.

Being a middle child, it may seem like Zion just blends in, but that’s hardly the case. She’s taller than the average fifth grade girl, standing at five feet two inches, which helps her out when she’s playing basketball against her two older brothers. She also likes to do things well, especially in drawing. She puts more time into it than other students might. She doesn’t keep her talents to herself though — instead, she often helps other students when they are struggling.

“She is a helper; she takes care of everyone,” Earnest said.

Maybe one day she’ll stand tall and proud in front of a class just like Ms. Earnest does, teaching students how to unlock their own potentials. An art teacher, that’s what she thinks she’ll be. But with all her interests in math, science, writing and art, the possibilities are limitless.

For now, though, she’ll stick to what’s in front of her. She’ll pick up a pencil and let her mind take over her hand, creating whatever it wants in this moment.

Zion’s favorites:

Food: cheese pizza

Dessert: vanilla cake

Book: El Deafo

Animal: dogs

Games: Monopoly and Uno

Holiday: Thanksgiving

TV show: Spongebob

