Alexandrian Witchcraft: Vouching & Validity of Initiation — Reference vs. Recommendation

Sharon Day
Alexandrian Witchcraft


Within the esoteric strands of Alexandrian Witchcraft, the practice of vouching serves as a confirmation of an Initiate’s journey into the sacred realm. It is a declaration, a stamp of authenticity that states: Yes, I can confirm that this person has been initiated into the Craft.

Nevertheless, this fundamental process is often misconstrued, leading to a convolution that the witchcraft community could definitely do without. There has been an apparent blending, a blurring of lines, between a vouch (or reference) and a recommendation, which are inherently different in their connotations and implications.

Much like a reference in an employment scenario, a vouch merely states the facts. It doesn’t involve a personal testimony or judgment of character. It involves no opinions, no superfluous embellishments, just the barebones truth. Yes, this person was initiated on this date in our coven.

Can an Initiation be Revoked?

One of the fundamental principles of Alexandrian Witchcraft is the irrevocability of an initiation. The initiation is not just an earthly process conducted by the coven. Rather, it can be regarded as a spiritual contract between the Initiate and the higher planes. As such, the initiation belongs to the Initiate, it is their spiritual journey, and the coven and Initiator serve as vehicles for that journey.

Once initiated, the connection is made and the spiritual contract is signed, sealed, and delivered. It is akin to birth and the genetic connection between parents and offspring. Just as parents cannot alter their genetic bond with their offspring, initiation cannot be undone, reversed, or withdrawn.

Unfortunately, the current scenario within the witchcraft community reflects a lack of understanding of this principle. Disputes, claims, and counter-claims of ‘recouling’ (an American construct never a part of Alex and Maxine’s practices) serve only to cloud the sacred process of initiation.

Clarifying the Convoluted

In essence, vouching or giving a reference in the Alexandrian Witchcraft tradition is simply to verify an initiation and has nothing to do with personal opinions or judgments. Its purpose is to maintain transparency, uphold authenticity, and respect the sacred initiation process.

The practice of vouching needs to be decoupled from the process of giving or withholding recommendations. A witch can vouch for an initiation without having to provide a character testimonial or a recommendation. Likewise, if a red flags warning needs to be given.

Stripping away the confusion, disputes, and over-complications that currently plague this practice will undoubtedly reinforce the sanctity of Initiation. It will ensure that every witch, coven, and line can exist without a cloud of doubt, uncertainty, or dispute hanging over them.


In the vibrant world of our Craft, it’s perhaps beneficial to take a step back and revisit our core principles. With all the complexity we’ve embraced over time, a suggestion might be to embrace simplicity and clarity once more.

Could we not consider grounding ourselves in the fundamental tenets that have made our Craft what it is today? This could potentially help us safeguard these precious insights from being lost amidst the constant evolvement.

It’s just a thought that might lead to rewarding reflections.

