Time Tracking Sucks

Emad Ibrahim
3 min readFeb 6, 2018


As a consultant/freelancer/developer/business owner, I hate logging my time. I hate the tools out there. They are too complicated or they are too simple or the design and user experience make you want to punch a hole through the screen.

Without mentioning names, I used a time tracker that worked pretty well but damn it was so overpriced and their customer support sucked. Although it did *most* things I wanted it to do, I swore to never deal with their crappy support again.

I wear many hats.

Business Owner Hat

I want to see all time entered by my team, for specific projects and clients. I want to invoice clients with a simple click. I want my clients to get not just an invoice but the ability to view a report and timesheet entries online. I don’t want them to just get an invoice that says we worked 1200 hundred hours, pay us a million dollars and send us the deed to your home.

Freelancer Hat

I want a free time tracker with simple 1-click invoicing. I want to get in, click a few buttons and get out. Occasionally, I will view reports but I just want to enter time quick and invoice and be done. Some tools have amazing designs but they fail my “get in, get out” test.

Entrepreneur Hat

I want to be able to manage multiple accounts. I want an account for my consulting business, I want an account for another business where I am a partner and I want an account for the consulting company I am sub-contracting under. I want them to be separate and be easy to switch between them.

Geek Hat

I want a chrome extension, a mobile app, a desktop app, automatic time tracking and integration with zapier, asana, jira, quick books and a few others.

My partner — Antonio Chagoury — and I have had the same issues with time tracking. So what do entrepreneurs do when they cannot find the tool they want? That’s right, they build it.

Warning #1 — we are in beta. It’s a pretty polished beta (if I may say so myself) but it is still a beta.

Warning #2 — we don’t have all the features we want yet (see above) but at least you know where we are going with this.

Drum Roll!!!

Take a look at our new creation — www.hyperlogs.com. I hope you like it and I hope you give us feedback.

A Little Bragging

We have a long way to go, I mean we just went live 6 days ago but so far, we have had several hundred signups, got featured on Product Hunt and made it to the front-page. We also made it the front-page of Hacker News.

Info for Geeks

The tech stack is Ember, Rails, Postgres and Docker. I will blog more about some of the decisions we took and how we rapidly built the app using our ASK framework.



Emad Ibrahim

Husband, Father of Twins, Published Author, Entrepreneur, Passionate Technologist, Programmer and Productivity Nut. more at https://about.me/eibrahim