So it’s Easter and we have a long weekend this year.
Naturally you get some extra time on your hands and what is better than setting up your own streaming server on the cloud.
Typically my workflow consists of several steps if i am not using a service like Netflix.

  • Find a movie
  • Download it to a seedbox
  • Download it from seedbox down to my local machine for watching.

The last part of this workflow is normally time consuming even though I have fast internet connection and the process is automated.

So today I decided to give plex media server a go.
The advantage of this approach is that the movie is ready for watching the minute it’s done downloading. I just stream it directly from the seedbox.

Plex transcodes the media files as you stream them, so depending on your bandwidth it will transcode to a respective quality to deliver a smooth watching experience

We shall install it on the seedbox in a very minimalistic fashion by just starting the official docker container.

First we will need a token, this can be obtained here from plex website
Once you have the token plug it into the PLEX_CLAIM variable below


The following command will create a plex container

docker create \  
--name plex \
--net=host \
-e TZ=Europe/Berlin \
-e PUID=1000 -e PGID=1000 \
-e PLEX_CLAIM="claim-here" \
-v /data/server/plex:/config \
-v /data/downloads/Downloads:/data/music \
-v /data/downloads/Downloads:/data/tvshows \
-v /data/downloads/Downloads:/data/movies \
-v /data/downloads/Downloads:/data/homevideos \

Different mounts just specify the location of your media you dont actually have to specify all of those.

And finally, you will need to start the plex server

Docker start plex

You can check if the container is running via docker -ps

Since networking is set to host, you will not need to forward any ports all the exposed ports are bound to the host interface.

Access the plex TV web interface via

http://ipof _yourserver:32400

Then go ahead configure the server to your taste and start streaming.

Happy Streaming…

