Dominium Receives “A” Rating Following Audit by Top ICO List

Max Crowdfund
Max Crowdfund
Published in
4 min readJul 25, 2018

Many thanks to Top ICO List for their professional and in-depth audit process. It was a great pleasure working with them and the whole procedure was highly informative and helpful.

Top ICO List is an ICO directory with a dedicated analysis department that curates Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs), or Initial Token Offerings (ITOs). Top ICO List’s aim is to identify the best potential ICOs for cryptocurrency investors and to subsequently list them in their respective categories.

In order to ascertain which are the best ICO/ITOs, the team of analysts conduct an in-depth assessment of the project materials, considering such factors as: the team behind the project, the product and vision, token economics, marketing, social media and white paper.

Always keen to improve our materials and acquire a fresh perspective on our project, we were delighted to allow Top ICO List to conduct an audit of the Dominium Platform and upcoming ITO. The team conducted a complete review of the project and all relevant materials, including the website, pitch deck, white paper and social media accounts. We greatly enjoyed their working manner which was efficient and professional, and we would recommend them to other companies with an upcoming ICO. Their perspective was unbiassed and showed experience and understanding of an investor’s point of view.

The initial findings from Dominium’s written materials included the following statement:

“The target audience is defined in a clear way and the problem the Dominium is trying to solve is presented in a way that your potential investors should grasp quite easily. Since some of the pain points Dominium is trying to solve are experienced also by some of your potential investors, particularly those with a property investing background, they should very quickly recognize the need and urgency of finding a proper solution to this problem once they have read your ICO materials.”

Their audit included recommendations on how to better communicate the project’s vision such as making all the key figures and facts searchable in the whitepaper.

The audit went on to look at the Dominium team. As stated in the introduction, “Team and advisors section is likely the most important for the common investor.” The audit team seemed to be satisfied with the Dominium team members, stating:

“Dominium team members seem to have extensive business background as there are multiple seasoned entrepreneurs on the team. Having a team with combined experience of decades on real estate markets and track records of growing the value of assets in their previous ventures to the range of several hundred million dollars, it should be crystal clear to your potential investors your team knows the real estate industry inside and out. Dominium also has quite well-balanced advisory board in terms of both business and blockchain competence, and a group of country ambassadors which really distinguishes Dominium from other ICOs.”

The recommendations made regarding team members largely consisted of adding polish to their LinkedIn profiles, which we have taken on board and are putting into action.

Some of the recommendations regarding the token economics have been more difficult to accept due to our regulatory situation. Unlike many other initial offerings, Dominium is a Dutch registered company and subject to Dutch financial regulation. It has shown us, however, that our regulatory position needs to be better emphasised and explained to potential investors, and our limitations clarified. Other useful recommendations from this section included:

“Highlight all the benefits of the project during ICO phase, for example the fact the assets from MPG daughter companies will be bought for 250k EUR, which adds a future value of several million EUR to DOMINIUM B.V.”

The recommendations regarding social media and marketing were useful too, although many of the suggestions were (incidentally) being addressed already. Top ICO List stated the need to have more than 5000 followers on Twitter. Thanks to an ongoing bounty program, the Dominium Twitter profile has closer to 10,000 followers at the time of writing. It was, however, reassuring to discover that we had spotted the same potential improvements.

Regarding the Dominium project’s vision, this was the concluding statement:

“Our conclusion about Dominium’s vision is that it’s great but we have one recommendation for additional examples that could support the vision.”

The recommendations for this part of the Project were to:

1. Improve the outlook of Dominium roadmap on the website to be on same level as on the whitepaper.

2. Include few examples of investing into properties the traditional way compared to way of investing through Dominium in order to demonstrate how Dominium’s vision will build value to the market.

The Top ICO Listing rating awarded to Dominium was an “A” rating, which is the highest possible rating and rarely awarded. Again, we are very grateful to the team for taking the time and effort to evaluate the project in such great depth and detail.



Max Crowdfund
Max Crowdfund

Max Crowdfund is an international real estate crowdfunding platform, which is owned by Max Property Group. Our head office is in Rotterdam, in the Netherlands.