Sujeet R Yadav, the virtuoso of digital marketing

Published in
2 min readOct 23, 2020
Sujeet R

Unlike any other youngster, Sujeet R Yadav already started leading his way to triumph. At the age of nineteen, he has become one of the most successful digital marketers. He hails from Surat. His stratagems help people in digital marketing. He has been in this business for three years and today his ideas help the admins of @Commercwalo,@icse_toughest_of_all_existing, and Outdoor sports like cricket and football are his avocation. His skills to elucidate helps him in his professional and personal growth. His experiences in sports have taught him to properly manage a team. Thus when he works with people, he coordinates everything very smoothly. Digital Marketing has become his dream and he is striving hard for it.

Luckily, his parents have supported him through thick and thin. They have understood his passion and they support him in every way. He realizes that his path won’t be a bed of roses but his forbearance has taught him to deal with every situation. His father has been his inspiration and he has learned a lot from his father’s struggle. His father has always been dedicated and that motivated him. Today he earns more than 50k a month because he has always been diligent.

Sujeet’s knowledge of social media marketing helps him to remain practical in his professional journey. He aspires to become a millionaire by the age of 30 and we all know that he will be able to achieve his dreams. He is a student of BTech and he is very determined to become a software engineer. He is working hard to clear his JEE Advanced exams. When we asked him about his success he said “ I believe that my dedication and my pride lead me to this path. My journey has never been simple and it will never be. I just have to strive hard to earn what I deserve.” His goal is to make his parents proud and give them everything they deserve and we all know that he will achieve his goal in no time.




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