Tonight I want ______…

A unique practice which has brought me some amazing stories. #MayIWrite — Day 18

Rhiannon Webb
May I Write
6 min readMay 18, 2017


Image courtesy of Unsplash

Several years ago my life was in sharp transition. I was still in limbo but there was little mystery left — I was just waiting for the great unrest to officially be upon me. My life would be overturned and I had no idea where it would all land. It was during that time that I developed what has become one of my favourite solitary rituals and which has been the source of some of my best stories.

One evening I had met with a friend for tea. It was lovely. We laughed, chatted, and it was a grand distraction from the unhappiness that waited for me at home. Eventually I did need to return home, however, and after sitting for half an hour in the thick unpleasantness of a relationship well past its expiration date, I realised I wasn’t obligated to consider anyone’s wishes but my own. I realised I could leave my house and do… whatever I pleased!

Living walking distance to my city centre had its advantages. I walked out my door and as I headed toward the sidewalk I said (outloud), “I want the world to entertain me!” I felt a bit silly, but I meant it. I was open and just wanted to be entertained, in whatever form may come.

Not two blocks in to my adventure, a man and woman who were about 30ft ahead of me slowed down and turned to ask me to settle their debate (which has no relevance to the story — debating the source of the music they could hear coming from downtown… Rifflandia, it turned out). As we had discussed the music we could hear, we had continued walking together. ‘This is a fine start’, I thought, though bickering strangers hardly counts as entertainment — despite the popularity of the Povichs and Springers of daytime TV.

Then, after several paces in silence, the man asks me to name my favourite flying creature. For a reason I still can’t piece together, I answered “uhhh, ladybug?” (This isn’t my favourite flying creature. Hummingbirds, bees, herons, and bats to name a few, come in well above ladybugs on my personal rating system of favourite flying creatures.) But then he reaches into a pocket and hands me a little paper ladybug! I looked at it and didn’t really say anything. Possibly another articulate sound like “uhhhhh” escaped me but certainly nothing more.

With a satisfied grin he asked me my favourite colour.

“Purple.” (This time it was true.)

You’re with me right? He reached into a different pocket, this time to the inside of his jacket — which was not bulky I might add, nor was his frame — and he pulled out a purple balloon animal. I just stared at it. I stared for long enough that the woman let out an exasperated sigh and said “he’s a magician.”

“Magic Mikey!” he piped up.

I just stood there looking back and forth between them, totally dumbfounded. He chuckled at me then took a fresh, unopened pack of cards from yet another pocket, and pulled apart the clingy cellophane wrapper. He proceeded to demonstrate the most intricate, mesmerising card manipulations I have ever seen in person. It was absolutely incredible and beautiful and hypnotising.

We stood at the mouth of the bridge bordering on downtown while Magic Mikey began going through mind-boggling card tricks. Before long a couple strolled up (whom I quickly learned were vacationing from Texas and who embodied everything I would imagine Texans to be), and the large, boisterous husband of the pair was hooting and exclaiming at Mikey’s repertoire. It was a spectacle all around and I loved every second of it.

Soon it was my turn to choose a card and participate in a trick. Magic Mikey danced his fingers amongst the cards, contorting his hands and the deck until the moment when I was meant to see my card once again. He surprised me by telling me to go look over the rail of the bridge. I walked over, and there was my card, lying face-up and alone on a concrete slab near the water’s edge. No one was standing close to him. He didn’t throw any cards… did he? I have never experienced that feeling in my body, before or since. Seeing that card there, and truly having no idea how my six of clubs made it all the way down to that spot.

Image © Rhiannon Webb

I took a picture and then just stared at his mightily satisfied face. He handed me a souvenir card from the deck, which I tucked into my purse (and which is still there to this day). The folks from Texas pulled out some cash which was delivered to Mikey with a handshake and a strong pat on the back, then they strolled away laughing and speaking in that accent I had always hoped to hear in person.

Magic Mikey just tucked his hands into his boring side pockets and we walked only a few more steps when we all paused and looked down the cross-street. An indecipherable glow and the tinny sound of music had appeared and seemed to be coming our way. It was only moments before a fleet of at least 50 people rode past on bicycles decked out with glow sticks, strings of lights, flowers, feathers, speakers blasting songs, and the riders themselves were costumed with many of the same accouterments. This bizarre parade just kept coming. We looked at each other in disbelief. There was no explanation and none of us had ever seen this before.

Once they had passed I considered going home. I was only about 4 blocks from my house but couldn’t imagine needing a single thing more from this night. Right as I was thinking of bidding them farewell, the woman asked me if I could take her dancing, and that sounded like a lovely request which I was happy to oblige. Magic Mikey went off to meet another friend of theirs with plans to reunite with the woman later on. She and I had a great time dancing. I made my way home just before 2:30am and spent my whole walk in absolute awe at how obliging the world had been in entertaining me. I don’t imagine my request could have been fulfilled more literally, in fact.

I felt so joyful, so silly, so excited that I had taken myself on this adventure.

It turned out to be the first of many. There are other nights which brought me other great stories too, and I hope to be lucky enough to enjoy many more. I never force these evenings though. The mood always strikes me and it’s as strong a drive as thirst or fatigue. I like to think that the world has fun playing with me when I’m bold enough to walk out into its night, heart to the sky, and to fill in that fateful blank: “Tonight I want _______…”

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Rhiannon Webb
May I Write

Somatic Sex Therapist & Educator, Relationship Coach, Writer, Queer. Loving every moment of life on the West Coast.