Why #AskJPM wasn’t a #FAIL.

and why you’re a kind of a hypocritical jerk.

Steve Olson


Look, of COURSE the #AskJPM live Q&A ended in a trolling bonanza. It was hilarious, and couldn’t have happened to a nicer corporation.

What it WASN’T, was some kind of #FAIL brought on by a misunderstanding of the medium. To say it was is to suggest that a client shouldn’t engage on social media for fear of a negative reaction or trolling.

That’s exactly the resistance we as an industry have been trying to overcome for years — and it goes double for politics, where I work.

So, if you piled on with some awesome trolling on the #AskJPM hashtag, thank you for your work, and I loved the entertainment.

If you’re now suggesting that they should have known better, or it was a total mistake, you’ve just set the industry back five years, and are kind of a hypocritical jerkface.

I’d love to you hear your thoughts. You can find me tweeting about online politics, whisky, and cephalopods at @SteveOlson — and if you liked this post, I’d appreciate you clicking the “recommend” button below. Thanks!



Steve Olson

digital ad & email strategist; Frmr: @dccc @ppfa @trilogyint @DSPolitical; wannabe political scientist; whiskey lover; cephalopod obsessed; minnesotan. he/him