May 14th (Thursday)

Nick Reynolds
May Days
Published in
2 min readMay 19, 2020

Normal hammock in the morning and tried to lure in some birds by putting some seeds on the stumps nearby. That caught some attention but they didn’t venture into the house… yet.


Went for the regular 5km run. Dropped off the puzzle gift to my friends with six handwritten notes (three for each friend) — returning the gift of nice thoughts they shared with us on easter!


Designed the landing page and some of the theming in Figma, heavily borrowing from the design of the Vercel landing page.

The landing page (left) and the reusable components to build it (right)

I started building this in React but struggled with getting Semantic UI to do the things I wanted it to do. Was very tempted to switch over to another framework but there’s a lot of really nice things like Grids etc. Started to switch over to different library and then went back. Not as much progress as I’d liked to have made. Going to stick with this and move forward, need to figure out how to re-enable Auth0 again now with Next.js.

