Design an Effective FAQ Page Or Section — Maye Edwin

Maye Edwin
Maye Edwin
Published in
2 min readMay 19, 2018

FAQ’s are a different type of content. Just like search and a sitemap, they have their own features that you can use to improve user experience.

An important thing to note is that users don’t go to Frequently Asked Questions pages, you have to lead them there.

For a long time FAQs have been misused, instead of real and relevant content, companies put questions they “wished” users would ask (WAQ, Wished to be Asked Questions).

It’s very important to put user needs first, just cover topics that are really important to them. Otherwise it’ll be just another page trying to hide the solution from them.

Which, by the way, won’t solve the problem at all, leading to future problems, like unnecessary support requests, or lost sales.

People don’t go looking for FAQs. So you have to interlink it wisely in places where users may need help. Like using them along with search pages.

Another example you cloud consider is you may ask the users what kind of problem they have, then suggest a few FAQ searched items based on the user keywords.

Also note that; FAQs are great to provide complete answers, but if you just want to tell users how features work, or which type of data they should put in a registration form just go with tool-tips or something like that.

Cheers and good luck with FAQs!



Maye Edwin
Maye Edwin

I’m a software engineer, google developer expert in web technologies, and creator of the open-source library, pwafire.