You’re Not Lazy. You’re Afraid.

Mayo Oshin
Published in
4 min readSep 2, 2019


Image by Alexandr Ivanov from Pixabay

For centuries, so-called experts and motivational speakers have preached that we should conquer the ‘enemy’ called procrastination, at all costs.

Because if we fail to avoid laziness, we’ll waste away our life’s potential.

So what do we do?

Each day, we try even harder to motivate ourselves to get important things done. But when we procrastinate, we beat ourselves up and blame it on our laziness.

What if instead, there was a better explanation behind why we procrastinate, other than a lack of willpower or motivation?

Here’s what scientists have recently discovered.

Would You Fight or Flight?

In 2018, a team of researchers conducted a groundbreaking study to investigate the differences between the brains of people who struggle with procrastination and those who don’t.

To do this, the researchers recruited 264 participants to complete specific tasks, and afterwards conducted fMRI brain scans on each person.

The results were astonishing.

Image creidt: Wiki



Mayo Oshin

Well-researched ideas for better habits and productivity.