Expanding My Personal Network #2
Senior Brand Manager, Lunch Meat Team, Hormel Foods
1. How would you describe yourself as a leader?
I would say I am a collaborative leader, and believe in a team approach. We are all better together than solo. As a new manger I sat down with my team and asked them “How I can help them”? By developing a vision for my team and transparent with them on my strengths and weaknesses we can accomplish so much more.
The most important thing for me as a leader is to building up the talent pool and getting my people promoted.
2. How do you manage work/life balance?
Learn how to say no. Also you need to take a look at what is important to you and prioritize there is no way you are going to get everything done. I would say I prioritize every week, and I have a partner that supports me. One week I may say that I am traveling or have brand plans and that I will be working a lot while other weeks I can be cooking dinner for example.
My husband and I have a schedule I take the kids into school in the morning so I am not here in the office until 8:00, but I stay until 6:00 and my husband picks up the kids. I have tried to be transparent at work so my team feels the flexible culture.
Just be sure you don’t extend yourself too far.
3. How have you handled ‘sticky’ situations with a coworker?
I would say make sure that they have a voice and that you are understanding their opining. Also from the beginning set expectations, so everyone knows what is acceptable or unacceptable. Also don’t push issues that don’t need to be pushed, feel out the situation and if it is not the right situation do not rush it. (Emerging Leadership).
4. What is your most rewarding accomplishment?
I would have to say giving feedback. Feedback is a gift and once you see people act on and grow its very rewarding. Being uncomfortable is a good thing, I am not here to be someone’s cheerleader my team is all self motivated. I can’t make someone improve if they don’t want to, so when they do it’s a great feeling.
5. What do you wish you would have known at my age?
Don’t be afraid to take credit for things you do. Men don’t think twice about taking credit for things that they may not even finished yet, while women like to be collaborative. Just do it!
Your voice matters, stand up for yourself, especially to your boss. (in a respectful way obviously).
Be comfortable with your own style. Everyone is different and that is okay.
Network outside of our division. There are so many knowledgeable people in other divisions that you need to be sure to network with them.
I have known Mrs. S since I first entered into my department. She has always been a great resource to me when I needed guidance. She was recently promoted to Senior Brand Manager where she is managing people for the first time in her career. As a new leader I felt it important to understand the challenges and opportunities she was facing as becoming a new leader.
I can learn quite a bit from Mrs. S most importantly to stand up for myself. I would consider myself to have a similar leadership style as her, and the challenges she is facing are similar to those I may have in the future. I will definitely try to incorporate this into my daily leadership style.