AIDA Marketing Framework

Attention, Interest, Desire, Action

John Cousins



This isn’t about the famous opera by Verdi. Its about Marketing.

AIDA is an acronym that stands for Attention, Interest, Desire and Action. The AIDA model describes the customer journey in stages from the moment a consumer first becomes aware of a product or brand through to when they make a purchase decision.

This process is called the Customer Journey. In Digital Marketing, with analytics tools we can measure the progress along this AIDA path, and which messages can be attributed to the actions we want to evoke.

We measure success with conversion rates: how many people that see the ads or messaging convert to paying customers.

Consumers become aware of products, services, and brands through advertising and marketing communications. We call this front-end activity Awareness Campaigns.

The AIDA model is insightful in explaining how an advertisement or marketing message engages and involves consumers in awareness and choosing one brand over another. Each…

