My Philosophy of Education

Learning is a slow process of engagement with ideas.

John Cousins


I teach business subjects. Business education is, by its nature, practical. The goal is to provide tools for dealing with the world of commerce.

My philosophy of business education aligns with my philosophy of leadership and management. My students are working adults in various stages of their careers. They are seeking knowledge to make them more valuable and increase their opportunities.

My job is to deliver tools and techniques that they can use now and continue to develop.

Each student is unique. They deserve a stimulating educational environment.

My goal is to help them gain confidence in their abilities. I provide an environment that challenges them and is well-calibrated to their level. I am sensitive not to overwhelm them with information. That is the Goldilocks balance that I strive to achieve.

I intend to inspire my students to do their best and to work harder than they think they can.

