MBA Profiles: Dean Erika James (Part 2)

MBA Mama
MBA Mama Blog
Published in
2 min readJul 28, 2015

In part two of our exclusive interview series, Dean Erika James shares her opinion about the controversial topic of MBA candidates disclosing their status as mothers and shares about the resources and flexibility available to MBA moms at Goizueta.

James, a wife and mother of two with a self-proclaimed non-traditional career track, also shares her advice for moms debating whether or not it is possible to balance a graduate business degree with family life.

“As the world becomes more complex and as companies and work take people out of a more traditional mode, we need to be open and receptive to all sorts of lifestyles and decisions that might not have been seen as typical or normal in the past… I have lived that, I have worked with students who have and are living successful non traditional lifestyles in terms of their ability to manage both family and school settings. And I think more business schools themselves are becoming sensitive and changing their structures in ways that will allow greater engagement by women — single, married, married with children, you name it. ”

You can catch Part 1 of Dean James’ interview here, where she discusses what Goizueta is currently doing to increase the number of women applying to business schools around the country. And stay tuned for Part 3, in which Dean James discusses the most exciting development at Goizueta and her thoughts on MBA Mama’s Mission.



MBA Mama
MBA Mama Blog

online platform that provides ambitious women with tools and resources to leverage an MBA and strategically navigate family/career planning