Three Tips for MBA Mamas Entering The Class of 2018

MBA Mama
MBA Mama Blog
Published in
3 min readApr 9, 2016
Stephany and her family.

This blog post was written for MBA Mama by Stephany Perez-Cohen, a first year MBA student at Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland.

As the first year of my MBA program at the University of Maryland comes to an end, I’ve had time to reflect on the beginning of this incredible journey. I have met an amazing group of individuals who have helped me through this first year and that will be forever in my network. I took courses that challenged me, and helped expand my thinking. This summer, I will be a Summer Associate for Deloitte’s federal human capital practice — a truly fantastic opportunity. Thinking about my first year as an MBA Mama, I would do a few things differently if I was able to start this year over.

Here is my list of three things incoming moms should consider before entering your MBA program:

# 1 — Enroll in at least one course before the semester begins

I had been out of a classroom setting for almost 10 years. I knew getting into a rhythm with attending classes was going to be difficult but I didn’t think I had the time to take a “non-mandatory” class. I was a new mom, I had a full-time job, a husband, and needed some time for myself. But, had I taken a course or two, especially a finance class, my first semester would have gone a bit easier. At Smith, as in most programs, you take some quant heavy class right at the beginning: Accounting, Corporate Finance, and Economics. Coming from a work environment where I did not need any quant skills, the classes my first semester were particularly difficult for me. Having some practice with the materials would have not only helped with my understanding of the materials but also training my attention span which has, over the years, decreased because of digital activity.

# 2-Take a few days off before starting the program

I worked right up until orientation began and classes started immediately after. I had no break until Thanksgiving Day weekend. Those first few months were jam-packed with changes.

I wished I had given myself a little break between work and school to reset my energy and start the program refreshed.

The second year students would equate the first semester to drinking from a firehose and it was true. It was overwhelming and having a break before entering the program would have helped prepare my mind and brain.

# 3-Schedule time for self-care

I was so caught up with school and attending to mommy duties that I forgot that I needed to schedule some time to myself. Neglecting this aspect of myself did not help with my stress level nor with my productivity. It also didn’t help with my appearance which ultimately affected how I felt about myself.

And, although I was not the only woman facing these challenges, I am a mom and I didn’t want to play into the stereotype of how moms never have time to take care of themselves … even though it’s sometimes true.

I realized I don’t want the other women in the program to think that being a mother would make them lose their identity so I am adding time to my schedule to do things that make me feel good. Sometimes it is as simple as getting a mani/pedi or having time to meditate.



MBA Mama
MBA Mama Blog

online platform that provides ambitious women with tools and resources to leverage an MBA and strategically navigate family/career planning