Laloux rainbow summit — organizational story telling 01/06/18

Anna Prokopowicz
MBC Dauphine
Published in
4 min readJun 2, 2018

Once upon a time, far far away on the planet earth there was a top 5 leader summit. We are in 2030, the world has become an organisational mess because of continuous innovation and hyper competition, and organization are stuck in the vicious circle. Because of so many concepts and repetitive changes they have lost their identity. That’s why the best professional came from different countries to enjoy this exchange to define best work practices. In a cosy gathering they have presented themselves and their way of working.


Hi, my name is Red. I’m the strongest colours, don’t you know? I’m love and roses but I’m also jealous and stubborn. People like me because they I have the feeling that I’m protecting them and that I’ll always have their back. I’ve a good and prestigious reputation, people naturally follow me. I define myself a hand in a velvet glove. I’m very passionate when it comes to work and hard work. I’m in very strong competition with the other firms in the market. My competitive advantage is my human resources. I sharpen my employees as I sharpen pencils; I want them to be tailored-made for me. I structured my organization around strong leaders who has absolute power over others. With me it is always the survival of the fittest.


Hey, you can call me Amber… I like boxes… have so many at home… What do I do? … I report…and report… from bottom to the top in the clear command lines. I have found the place I belong to… in the middle … with my middle job title. I really like it … I really like when my leader my dear dominants push the “Command and control” button every morning. Such a refreshing feeling to know what they have decided! I am a soldier… and I serve to my organisation proudly. I don’t need to bother to make decisions… my dear superiors take care of that. I live my life in calm and peace dreaming of one day that I will becoming more important but this will come with time and experience …. and I will be just like my leaders… wise and experienced. And what about you orange?


I’m from the south of Egypt. I’ll never forget the first time I saw pyramid. I was 8. My dad carried me on his shoulders during the whole journey. When we arrived at El Haram, he said to me: “Orange, look at the very top of the pyramid. This Nano millimetre between the top and the sky. Do you see it, my daughter?”. I said: “Yes Baba”. Then, he told me: “Good. This Nano millimetre contains all your objectives and everything you want to achieve in life”. The entire pyramid except this nano millimetre is your pursuit of innovation and work in order to achieve your personal and professional goal”. This conversation with my dad inspired me a lot. Today, I designed and inspired most principles and culture of many international companies. I help companies to build their organization around the pyramid concept, a fundamental structure in the innovation path and to bet competition. My leadership style is goal and task oriented. I want them to growth and be profitable. “Command and control” brings “predict and control”.


Hi, I am green, I eat a lot of quinoa and bananas … and I looooove avocado….

I am deeply into empowerment…. I empower a lot really it’s really huuge ..especially for my front line employees. Even though, I am on the top, me and my middle managers we try to share… we are really into sharing…massively….we share the control for example with the doers, the fixers and the problem solvers … it’s great.. just awesome. Like Orange I have a passion for pyramids… however I am introverted… sorry inverted. I invert bigly… I support my stuff… I make them take decisions…. I build no walls in my organization… only open spaces…and no one will pay for that…I am just like Ben and Jerry’s… giving new taste of the organization …


Hello, I am teal, you can call me Tilly. I see a group of people as a living organism. A form of life (bacteria, plants, animals) composed of cells in which organs work together to carry out the various processes of life. It might sound confusing but it’s the purpose. Chaos can be innovative you know. We are mature enough to manage ourselves. Hierarchy… I think it’s should be flowing naturally. I believe in natural and inner positions (+ beginning of Invictus poem).

After the presentations they voted … to choose the best practices … that was hard very hard… not obvious which will work again and what will take human liberty again.. So, what do you think? Which one they have chosen? Which one would you choose?

