
Caroline Allain
MBC Dauphine
Published in
3 min readJun 8, 2018

New-York 1st of june in 2064.

Stephany started working at TheNewWay, the first company that not only provides a computer and work phone, but also a robot.

This robot revolutionizes the way TNW employees worked. Indeed, this robot was created to help the collaborators to work: it becomes your favorite co-worker.

Before you can use this new companion, you must configure it and more specifically customize it to the way you prefer to work. Thus, Stephany has a choice between working with a robot with the following features: Autonomous, innovative, emotional, rational, motivator, synthetic, friendly, planner, etc. She can choose the degree of each characteristic according to which type of worker she prefers.

These robots are offered with artificial intelligence. Thus, Georges, Stephany’s robot adapts to her personality, her way of working, her needs, her desires, her fears.

Thanks to artificial intelligence Georges and the other robots can predict human errors as well as Stephany’s desires and needs.

10 am. Stephany arrives at the office. Georges was already ready, had read and prioritized her emails, and prepared Stephany’s meetings of the day.

The day begins as usual, Georges has prepared her favorite coffee and pastry, and tell her all what she needs, plus a strategic watch designed as animated cartoons — Stephany loves cartoons.

As Stephany has chosen, Georges is a great motivator, but also an autonomous scheduler. It is Stephany’s greatest ally in the company as it is the one that knows her best. Like every morning, Georges gives Stephany a quote of the day that make her smile.

So Georges told Stephany his quote: Stop saying I wish and start saying I will

Today Georges knows Stephany very well, and knows how to motivate her and give her the right structure to advance in her work and be always proud of her.

Stephany manages an advertising campaign for Coca-Cola, she has to create the campaign, manage their budget and think about the best communication channels.

Stephany is very creative, (she loves to think about new concepts, use her imagination to entertain its potential clients) but she has difficulties for financial aspects, so she can ask Georges to do the budget analysis while she is working on the design.

Georges had anticipated this and had already started to do the calculations and noticed problems with production costs. So he contacted top management this morning to get a budget exception. As a result, Stephany doesn’t have to worry about these financial problems and can concentrate on her project and leave room for her creativity.

Stephany’s working life is very pleasant thanks to Georges, she feels free, works on what she loves and can delegate repetitive and low added value tasks to Georges, without feeling guilty.

Stephany is constantly in the idea, and thanks to the robot she can make her ideas exploitable. She feels much more efficient, and doesn’t suffer from loss of information, as everything is stored. Robots communicate with each other so there is perfect information sharing and there are no more information misleads. It is a real time saving and live changer.

But — there is always a “but”- it is not always that easy. Last week, Georges and Stephany got into a fight. Coca-Cola did not like her design of the new ad and asks her to find a new advertising concept. Being very tired and exhausted, she asks Georges to help her.

However Georges was not programmed for innovation and does not stop motivating her and framing the ad on what he knows, as she had chosen. It really pushes her over the edge. Georges doesn’t realize it and tries to motivate her to work, when she needed rest and someone else’s vision to innovate.

Stephanie could not part from this ally, who had turned into poison for her, due to its lack of emotional intelligence.

Georges was its ally for good days and a nightmare in others, but, in this new world, Stephany has no choice but to learn to deal with it…at her expenses.

