Book Summary 40 — Medicus Magnus

Revolution of Medicine & how we use it

Michael Batko
3 min readJan 29, 2018


The book is written by Sergio Canavero, whose goal it is to do the first head transplantation ever. It is most likely going to happen in 2018 in China.

He goes into a lot of detail about how medicine, like any other innovation, goes through a stage of resistance, before it gets widely accepted. The same happened with Semmelweis, telling doctors to wash their hands before operations, as well as with the first organ transplantations, which are now commonplace.

He makes valid arguments as to why a head transplantation should be possible. Once done it will potentially answer some interesting questions, such as —

“What happens to our consciousness after we die?”

He also outlines 7 game changers in the 21st century:

1)Organs from the laboratory

Instead of organ donors, it is already possible to grow organs in the laboratory for animals. He argues that in the next 20 years it will receive regulatory approval and instead of relying on organ donors, we will be able to grow fake organs and have them transplanted

2) Immune system as Cancer-killer

There is a way to change the a block in the human immune system, which releases white blood cells, which can fight cancer cells. This is being done to some extent already and will be fully developed in the next 5 years.

3) Genetic revolution

We can already read genes via cheap tests on ie. It’s only a matter of time (<10 years) that we figure out how to switch parts of the genes on and off, being able to avoid some of the hereditary diseases.

4) Eternal Life

There are scientists who work on the research for eternal life (sponsored by Peter Thiel, Elon Musk and others). The basics of it have already been researched — there’s 7 issues which science needs to find an answer to and it should be possible ie. loss of cells, cancer, death-resistant cells, failure of mitochondria, intra- and extra-cellular waste disposal

He argues that it should be possible, but will still take hundreds of years.

5) Pill for longer Life

By identifying relevant gene sections, it should be possible within the next 10 years to slow down the aging process.

6) Computer & Brain connector

By connecting a computer with its processing power we can already control the body and it is said that with a 70% chance it will also be able to fine-tune the brain to allow for more processing power.

7) Human tracker

We already started with wearable technology. Now is just the beginning, in the future the devices will be especially helpful with tracking your health and providing advice and medical help even before you get sick.

8) Regeneration through electric signals

We can already regenerate bodies of animals via electric impulses. Within the next 35 years Sergio thinks that with a 50% chance we will be able to do that for humans as well.


Don’t Die

Whatever you do, don’t die as medicine is rapidly improving. Apparently generations have already been born who will live to 120 years.

A couple of tips to live a healthy life:

  1. Exercise body & mind
  2. Healthy food (2L/water a day, avoid meat consumption)
  3. Happiness & Laughter
  4. The most important person is YOU (take care of yourself)
  5. Be social
  6. Normal weight — don’t be fat
  7. Avoid alcohol & cigarettes
  8. Do regular doctor check-ups

