Book Summary 44 — Elon Musk

Michael Batko
Published in
2 min readMar 4, 2018

The book is a really well written biography of Elon Musk’s insane life. I thought I knew the most important and biggest things about Elon before I read the book. The book completely opened my eyes just how tough Elon’s journey was to get to where he is.

There were many, many things which completely surprised/disillusioned me

— here are some of them:

  • He worked/still works absolutely insane hours, often slept under the desk
  • He is a programmer himself
  • Never writes anything down as he has a great memory
  • Was kicked out as CEO twice by the board
  • His first son died young, he then had twins and triplets (all boys)
  • Won a D&D tournament
  • Cleaned the boiler room of a lumber mill (because best paid job) — insanely hot and small
  • Cold called execs and got an internship at Bank of Nova Scotia
  • Loved Civilization when it came out
  • Doesn’t drink much alcohol — never has
  • Founded Zip2 (searchable directory tied to maps)
  • Board demoted Musk to CTO
  • Always way to optimistic how long something is going to take
  • Compaq bought Zip2 for $307m making Musk $22m (7.2% of the value (!) pre-tax)
  • Founded which is going to be a complete digital bank
  • Early on employees staged a coup and when Musk didn’t step down as CEO, lots of them left
  • Peter Thiel worked on Confinity (with a service called Paypal) from the same building as
  • Paypal and really didn’t get a long — so Paypal even moved to a different building
  • Merged because Paypal had better tech, but had the cash
  • Peter Thiel resigned as didn’t see eye to eye with Musk after 2 months
  • Nastiest coup ever — as Musk was on a flight to his Honeymoon, employees together with board kicked out Musk and reinstated Thiel as CEO
  • eBay bought Paypal for $1.5 billion, Musk made $250m (17%) pre-tax, $180 post-tax (28% tax)
  • Had Malaria for 6 months after sale of Paypal (“holidays kill me”)
  • Tried to buy rocket from Russians, didn’t work so started SpaceX
  • Musk hired pretty much every one of the first thousand employees
  • Often called in dorm rooms to get people fresh out of uni to join
  • Was often an Extreme saver and promoter of making things in-house by 10x cheaper
  • Was part of production of movie “Thank you for smoking”
  • Even then Musk almost ran out of money — Tesla & SpaceX close to bankruptcy
  • He had to borrow money from friends to make payroll
  • Tesla almost got sold to Google, luckily enough Musk put 500+ people from all departments on the phone who sold enough cars in 2 months to keep the company afloat

