Book Summary 5 — Tao Te ching

Michael Batko
Published in
1 min readJul 10, 2017

Key Insights

Don’t do things for self-interest, do them with no desire, but to be good

Being generous means being impartial, putting the world before yourself — the world/Tao is everlasting.

The classic way of virtue

The book of the way of virtue

— Chapter 2

Do things for yourself not others.

No need for recognition, as long as you know you did a great job and got something out of it.

— Chapter 7

Don’t do things for self-interest, do them with no desire, but to be good

If you don’t focus on self-interest you can find fulfil your true nature.

— Chapter 8

Never force your way, then you won’t make mistakes

Be like water, go where no one else goes, what no one else does and be steady and calming.

— Chapter 16

Be generous.

Being generous means being impartial, putting the world before yourself — the world/Tao is everlasting.

— Chapter 26

Live a simple and ordinary life, even when surrounded by splendour.

How can a ruler govern a nation without recklessness of he indulges in power and desire?


