Book Summary 6 — Pre-suasion

Michael Batko
Published in
3 min readJul 10, 2017

Key Insights

Framing — the way you ask questions

Lower voice, let them lean forward

Zeigernik Effect — you remember unfinished things better (cognitive closure)
- Use a mystery — grabs attention leave it hanging

Rhymes are more persuasive

Point out a weakness early on everything else will be believed

Family — doing something for them is as if doing for yourself (Buffett “let me tell you how things are as I would tell my family”)

Target chuting / Framing

asking a question if someone’s happy (not happy or unhappy) results in 375% more likely to declare happy Framing

- Surveys “Do you consider yourself a helpful person?” (77% vs 22% success rate)


- lower voice, let them lean forward

- focusing illusion (p33) Kahneman, “nothing in life is as important as you think it is while you are thinking about it”

- background (consciousness) awareness can imply things but also distract (same as noise)

- Focal is causal — whatever sticks in mind, is loud, is visible — make someone focus on something

- Background Love — messaging — be the one to stand out

- Background Fear — messaging — join us, be one of thousands before you

- the more options the more importance/attention we place on unique/distinguished

- Self-relevance — you focus on yourself / your speech / your act most (advertising say You instead of People)

- Next in Line Effect — if you’re the next to speak you don’t concentrate properly on what’s before or after you as you focus on what you’re about to do or done

- Zeigernik Effect — you remember unfinished things better (cognitive closure)

- finish writing / lecture midway (you will want to go back and write more)

- Use a mystery — grabs attention leave it hanging

- winning argument, counterargument best to shows how the source of argument is wrong or dishonest


- Wording plays a big part!

- pics and words highlighted make a difference (perseverance, success, winning race pic)

- metaphors important paint a picture

- heavy cv — more serious

- warm cup better social interaction

- more likely to do something / connect with someone who has something in common with you / is like you

- easy names (pharma, first last names) better association better performance

- rhymes are more persuasive

- external and internal geographies (change it to whatever is most applicable to the task) internal = visual cues around you

- you can make yourself happy (write down gratitude, choose to look at the bright side, limit time spent on negative)

- positivity paradox — someone coughs or itches you start coughing itching too

- don’t cram before exam fear not good get psyched get confident

- if/then better than just a goal (when/if I finish this then I will do that)


- show that you care and like someone (they will like you back)


- point out a weakness early on everything else will be believed


Family — doing something for them is as if doing for yourself (Buffett “let me tell you how things are as I would tell my family”)

Home — whoever shares it is like family

Physical similarity

Hometown, Region

Doing the same things — body language


sharing personal information


Bossification — creative co-creation, make manager involved in decision making make believe it’s their idea

ask for advice


