Book Summary — Breaking into VC

Michael Batko
Published in
1 min readJun 10, 2019

You can find all my book summaries — here.

My 1 paragraph summary:

Basic book about all things VC. Great for anyone who is completely new to the industry — how to talk about startups, pitch to VCs and evaluate companies through a VC lense.

I’m not fully summarising the book as there are a lot of basics in there and the book is essentially a summary in itself.

I would recommend it if you’re thinking about getting started in VC as the first book you pick up.

It covers:

  • definition of VC, Growth Equity, venture debt
  • how to get a job interview in VC, how to talk
  • how to get started — who to follow and blog recommendations
  • metrics which are important (ARR, churn, MRR, burn, DRR, etc)
  • different ways to put a valuation on a company

You can find all my book summaries — here.

