5 Steps to Get Away from: I don’t connect with AIESEC

Caio Arruda
MC Yakka
Published in
4 min readSep 12, 2018


Hello, dear member of AIESEC in Portugal? How is your experience so far?

I don’t know about you, but some people at the beginning of their AIESEC experience they have a difficult to connect themselves with the organization.

This was my first picture in AIESEC. Trying to figure out what I was going to do…

I, personally, had this issue in my first months. That time I didn’t know exactly what was AIESEC or what we were supposed to do in the office during office hours.

Thinking about this, I thought: Hum… Maybe I should write some tips for people that think that AIESEC is not for them, to help them to connect with this amazing organization, where I learn so much in these 3,5 years.

And, well. Here I’m! 😄

Pay attention to these points cause they can change the way you see AIESEC!!

1. Understand the AIESEC Way

Really! Understand what is AIESEC, our purpose, our why, how and what. Once you understand why we really work in this organization you can see our impact and work in a different way.

Don’t you know what is AIESEC Way? Basically is a document which explains who we are, our cause, values, history everything. You can check in this link and understand better about us.

2. Connect with AIESEC

As simple as that! Haha Follow AIESEC in Portugal on Instagram and Facebook, also the MC and your EB. And if you want, check the AI Team fan page as well, you can probably discover a lot of things about AIESEC size there haha (really, I discover some countries that I didn’t know before joining AIESEC).

Here you can have a fast link:

3. Listen to Great Stories about Exchange and Leadership Experiences

Talk to people who already had an exchange experience or great learning points in AIESEC. You can find these people on the internet, some of them have amazing TED Talks. I truly recommend you to watch these three:

One of the most incredible TEDs I’ve ever seen in my life.
How an exchange can change the life of a young person and a community
PAI 15|16 speaks authenticity

Most of the times these great stories are not far, you probably have an incredible story of development with AIESEC close to you. Talk to other members, your TL, or you VP or returnees. Be open to listen to their stories. Once you see the result of AIESEC experiences, you can feel closer and more connected to our work!

4. Go to a Conference!!

Whenever possible, go to a conference!! Imagine a place with a lot of other AIESEC members, that love this organization, where you can learn a lot and listen to incredible stories of development.

Is something difficult to explain, but I’m 100% sure that if you talk to someone that already went to a local or national conference that would say: You should go!

5. Make Friends ❤️

It can be obvious for some of you, but not for others. For me, it was a kind of difficult to connect with other AIESEC members in the beginning. I was there, on my own, doing my job and that’s it. But once you connect with other people that have the same purpose then you, that would like to change the world doing the same thing as you this is unique.

Here you can make true friends that are in this boat together with you to work for peace and fulfillment of humankind potential, people that want to develop leadership to achieve it through exchanges.


Here were my 5 tips for you that want to get away from this not connect with AIESEC!

Hope that you enjoyed, and feel free to comment how is your experience as a member, TL, VP, LCP…

Don’t forget to follow us in our social medias and be update about what is happening in AIESEC in Portugal network!



Caio Arruda
MC Yakka

Apaixonado por criatividade e curioso sobre fotografia sonhando um dia viver desbravando o mundo.