Illustration — Alex Mitchell ‘16

3 Videos We’re Watching Right Now

Eric Kline
MCAD Online Learning
1 min readApr 24, 2017


We in MCAD Online Learning (Alex, Eric, and James) are always on the look out for useful, well-made videos. Here are a few of the best ones we came across recently.

James: Humans Need Not Apply

“This video has been around for a couple years, but the robots at YouTube recently suggested it to me again… and who am I to contradict my robotic overlords?”

Alex: Neuroscientist Explains One Concept in Five Levels of Difficulty

“This video from Wired shows neuroscientist Bobby Kasthuri explaining his field of study to a 5 year-old, a 13 year-old, a college student, a neuroscience grad student and a neuroscience entrepreneur.”

Eric: Gamification in Higher Education

“So you’ve probably noticed by now that gamification is one of the new(ish) ‘things’ in online learning. Most videos I’ve come across on the topic haven’t been very illuminating, but I think presenter Christopher See does a fantastic job in this TEDx Talks in laying out the case for games in higher ed. I mean, he makes it seem feasible for even the most skeptical of us!”

