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On VR Technology in Higher Ed: 3 Things We’re Reading Right Now

Eric Kline
MCAD Online Learning
2 min readJun 26, 2017


For MCAD Online Learning’s annual Teaching Innovation workshop last week, one of our participants brought a great project idea to the table that entails incorporating virtual reality (VR) into her Art History classroom. It really made us consider the possibilities and remaining limitations of this technology, and we came across these articles.

The Promise of Virtual Reality in Higher Education

This 2016 piece from Educause Review looks at the emerging technology from the perspectives of a librarian and an art historian—quite relavent to our Teaching Innovation project. It examines the technical, accessibility, and financial issues that go along with the promise of VR.

Immersive Education: VR Comes of Age

This one comes from The Journal, and was published in February of this year. The author discusses the need for the technology to move past being a “cool new thing” and into the realm of learning utility. One aspect explored here is the feasibility and likelihood of VR integration in mainstream curriculum.

3 Instructional Design Strategies for Virtual Reality Learning

The writer here, drawing from a book he co-authored, argues that if VR is to be integrated with curriculum an approach beyond traditional instructional-design methods must be taken to take full advantage of what VR has to offer. He labels his three strategies conceptual orienteering, critical incident, and operational application. The article was published in January of this year via

