Fibnocci Series in Kotlin

Jaspreet Singh
Published in
1 min readOct 7, 2019

Hey, Today we are going to learn Fibonocci series formula and code in Kotlin.

For Fobonocci Series, We have formula n = n-1 + n-2, means Our result value should be the sum of prevoius 2 terms.

lets have an example : 0 1 1 2 3 5 7 12 ………

Code :

fun printFibnoci(){

// n = n-1 + n-2
var a= 0
var b =1
var sum =0
for (i in 0 until 10){
sum = a+b
print (sum)
print(" ")
a= b
b= sum


We have assume a =0 && b=1 and use forloop till 10

We have taken 1 temporary variable known sum . First we do sum of previous 2 terms and then assign b variable value to a and sum value to b .

You can run this program once, and got the solution.



Jaspreet Singh

Working in Android Developemen and Tech Mentor .My Github profile is: , Contact me at for more info.