Pattern Matches Deep Link Android

Jaspreet Singh
Published in
1 min readJul 19, 2020

How could we match path pattern in deep links? We have menifest file in android app and we want if deep links contains some parameters only then our app will be open from Search result .

Suppose our deep links contains Now what will be our pattern in menifest.

Open your menifest and go to activity tag and add intent filter in that.

<activity name = "MainActivity">
<data android:scheme = "https" />
<data android:host =""/>
<data amdroid:pathPattern = "..*/..*/..* />

Suppose we want to match second path variable

<activity name = "MainActivity">
<data android:scheme = "https" />
<data android:host =""/>
<data amdroid:pathPattern = "..*/second/..* />

Suppose we want to match first path variable

<activity name = "MainActivity">
<data android:scheme = "https" />
<data android:host =""/>
<data amdroid:pathPattern = "first/..*/..* />

I have implemented this in my app



Jaspreet Singh

Working in Android Developemen and Tech Mentor .My Github profile is: , Contact me at for more info.