Make It Easy For Influencers To Trust You

Samantha Cabrera
Susan Akbarpour
Published in
2 min readApr 26, 2018

When it comes to influencer marketing, it’s integral stores and brands understand how to appeal to the trendsetters they want spreading their message. Make it easy for influencers to trust you with branded affiliate marketing that’s simple to digest.

The C-Commerce approach means consumer-centric marketing that capitalizes on social sharing.

Influencers cast a wide net of revenue and know social sharing is the tactic that’s making money around the clock. As a retailer or brand, you can capitalize on this by creating a trustworthy relationship with the influencer that begins with blockchain.

Blockchain offers total transparency for the retailer and the influencer. The retailer is easily able to identify where products were placed and how many purchases happened because of the recommendation. Influencers can see the same, which means for the first time ever, content creators will see the hard numbers that are a result of their opinions and recommendations in their respective communities This model also enables shoppers to be part of the rewards system and gives them the option to share data willingly.

When a retailer immediately offers transparency to the influencer it creates an immediate sense of trust for a lasting relationship, increasing retention rate. The influencer has no reason to go through a third party agency or affiliate network in order to navigate the financial end of their relationship with the retailer. This results in a bigger cut of the profit for both retailers and influencers. Blockchain makes this possible and scales to million of influencers to promote retailers’ products instead of limiting influencers to celebrities and Internet personalities. This will become the preferred way stores work with content creators for an authentic relationship that carries genuine appeal to consumers.

What is mCart?

mCart protocol is a decentralized marketplace/influencer marketing attribution platform that addresses the needs of shoppers, influencers, and marketers by leveraging blockchain. Using smart contracts, marketers, influencers and shoppers will be able to transparently and verifiably collaborate while giving each participant the right financial incentives to participate in the ecosystem.

Copyright Mavatar 2018

