Mavatar CEO at Crypto Invest Summit in LA, “Return the developers to ICO investment landscape.”

Janine Just
Susan Akbarpour
Published in
2 min readMay 11, 2018
Mavatar CEO Susan Akbarpour discussed ICO marketing at Crypto Invest Summit LA.

Mavatar CEO Susan Akbarpour spoke at Crypto Invest Summit in LA discussing ICO marketing. It’s a hot topic that continues to gain traction because of the ICO news in terms of the SEC possible reaction and unspoken forthcoming regulations.

While those who only read headlines will tout ICOs getting shut down left and right, the SEC Commissioner just told CNBC this past weekend that the goal isn’t to get rid of ICOs or prevent them from flourishing but protecting investors who don’t know how to assess the difference between legitimate investments and fraud.

Susan has spoken before on the importance of content and influence marketing around ICOs and specially viable tokens — the token that are filling a void. She pressed that original and genuine content and storytelling always sell, “Your story is your product and company’s vision. If people resonate with that, you don’t have to rely on phony metrics of CPM, CTR and CPC and paying a few bitcoins for a banners ad at the homepage of a website that didn’t even exist a few months ago.”

She also explained how the mCart token is a viable token because it facilitate millions of real -time micro payments for paying influencers leveraging blockchain. She also again pressed that as an entrepreneur she rather share the upside with developer investors in her ICO who poke Mavatar github and make fantastic comments showing they’re excited about the innovation rather than accredited investors who are only investing on the company for the sake on investment.

We had a great response on Twitter, namely stating how easy Susan makes it to understand ICO and blockchain. To paraphrase, Susan said if you’re an ICO and hiding something, you’re doing something wrong — the same logic she uses with her teenage daughter.

Susan said what many in Silicon Valley think: we need to get back to developers as investors. The crowd cheered when she made this statement because it contributes to more innovation and viable products.

