Beauty Standards

Sriyani Savardekar
MCC LitSoc
Published in
1 min readAug 23, 2020

I stand in front of the mirror to behold

A pair of eyes staring back at me,

Her face showing no sign of charm

And her wavy tresses flowing free.

One look at her was enough to know that

No man ever would be smitten by her-

With a waist like hers- ‘not so petite’

And busts which should have been ‘fuller’.

Unlike other girls her age

She goes by her name Plain Jane.

Her face not dusted with powder or cream,

Makes her appear dull and mundane.

Her skin is far from being clear,

Bearing bruise marks and body hair-

Her knees and elbows dark and scarred

With a dusky complexion to pair.

Carrying her luggage of ‘Imperfections’,

Embracing herself for her mess;

She sets out on her mission to prove that:

Beauty Standards are a delusion- like ‘The Flawless’.

~ Sriyani Savardekar

