
MCC LitSoc
MCC LitSoc
Published in
1 min readSep 1, 2021

Glistening frost at the window pane-

And same on every passing moment.

Dark sky with dim moonlight;

Like the wavering smile of her face.

The iciness swaddled her.

And seclusion kissed by the silences.

No flowers she could see alive

Yet the fragrances she felt muffled.

The bonfires are giving warmth to everyone

But her warmth is hidden in the twists and turns she experiences;

In the serenity she finds in the end-

In the sunrise she adores after the adventures of sunset.

Her peace is in the warmth which cannot be adored without the cold.

And the wavering smile never lost.

It just brightens and soothes again;

And she happily takes everyone through this promenades-

To gift them the cognitions.

She utters bitter words but is not cruel.

Just suffering the chills-

It’s because she is at her winters,

Her life is at the winters.

Bhavya Tiwari, 1st year BA Hons Communication Studies



MCC LitSoc
MCC LitSoc

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