Never Been in Love.

MCC LitSoc
Published in
1 min readSep 6, 2020

I don’t know what love is!

I cannot fathom what love is-

I’ve never been in love.

I think I don’t deserve it.

I ponder to the point where the possibilities of me falling in love is zero and null.

Blessed are those who fall in love and have the ability to share their heart,

I wouldn’t even share my piece of cake!

And here, you want me to share my feelings.

So I bottle it up,

keep it inside my safe space and hide the keys to it.

My heart doesn’t stump when I think about love,

I think it is a vulnerability.

And yet you resonate that love is a paradise!

But do I really want to be paralysed in this paradise?

~ Riya Gupta

