The sky will always be ours

MCC LitSoc
MCC LitSoc
Published in
Apr 13, 2022

The sky will always be ours

bathing us in its sapphire glow

a haimish,

where our souls will reunite

between the sun rays and the clouds.

The air filled with soft chatter-

While we will muse about the

stories we’ve shelved in the past

the untold truths,

that never graced our lips.

We will shed every skin

that no longer fits-

and grow again

under the tiny kisses,

of the sun.

A sweet aubade shall be

ringing around us,

the sky will be ours and-

that’s where we’ll meet,

between the sun rays and the clouds.

Anmol Raj



MCC LitSoc
MCC LitSoc

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