CORRECTION: Review of Julia Serano’s “Excluded: making feminist and queer movements more inclusive”

A reader recently pointed out an error in a review of Julia Serano’s book Excluded: making feminist and queer movements more inclusive. In the Spring 2014 issue, McClung’s mistakenly refers to “a sign outside of the Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival reads ‘womyn born womyn only’…”

The festival did not have a sign outside outlining their informal and controversial policy.

Serano refers to Camp Trans — a protest movement set up outside of the festival — which has worked for trans-inclusion at the event. She details her experience working as an “ambassador” for Camp Trans (Serano and her wife attended and signed up for work shifts in 2003) in the second chapter of her book.

We deeply regret this error and apologize for any confusion it caused.

McClung’s Magazine

